Thursday, September 2, 2010

EOC Week 8: Authority

Reading tips given by agents from different advertising agencies is pretty helpful for my final project. Since I will be doing Sally Hansen (nail polish products) for my project, I will definitely be using some of the tips that the agents gave on the book. Carlos Segura from Segura Inc. in Chicago says, “Explore. A lot. Even after you think you’ve got it. Start again. You’d be surprised at what comes up. Even better, have several people look at the same problem. The solutions will astound you.” This tip is really helpful because many people would stop trying after they think they’ve got an idea or they know what they’re doing already. They become close minded after that. Another tip from Carlos is, “Seek opinions. This is hard, I know, but it does help.” Some people can accept constructive criticism well and some cannot. If you’re in the advertising industry, I think it is important to find out people’s opinions of your work so you know what you need to work on to do better in the future. Another agent, Deborah M. Rivera from Alexander & Richardson in New Jersey, exclaims “Do your font research!” It is important that one uses the appropriate font for the ads. So don’t favor one type of font, be open to using different ones and explore.

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