Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 11: Final Evaluation

By looking at the course objectives, I can see that I’m doing fairly well. Now that it’s the end of the quarter, I can answer most of the class objectives.

I was pretty nervous about taking this class in the beginning of the quarter, because I had no knowledge, whatsoever, about the advertising industry. All I knew was what some ads are funny, and some were not. Now, I can look at an ad, and evaluate it like I was an industry professional. Since we had to do an ad campaign for the final project, I am able to define advertising from the perspective of the industry. I had to step in their shoes and somewhat experience how it’s like to run an ad campaign. I have learned the steps for a successful ad campaign and I learned what different types of ads there are. I’ve also learned what elements an effective advertisement should have. The key thing I learned about advertising is that if the ad cannot establish even a little emotional connection with the viewer, then the ad is unsuccessful. I can look at an ad and I can tell if the ad agency that did it did a good job or not.

In honesty, I’m able to answer most of the objectives except a couple of them. If I were to test myself, I couldn’t answer “Identify and explain federal regulations, which affect the advertising industry,” and also “Review major trade journals and advertising industry organizations.” I’m not sure if our class covered this material, but if we did, then I guess I didn’t quite understand it.

In all honesty again, I think that the instructor is great. He has a lot of knowledge, not just about advertising, but a lot of random, interesting things as well. He is really good with teaching his students in an effective way. He kept me interested throughout the course which is probably why I learned so much.

Even though I didn’t learn some of the objectives, all-in-all I still learned a whole lot in this class. I started off without any knowledge about the advertising industry, and now I can evaluate ads in a industry professional manner. The grade that I believe I deserve is an ‘A.’

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